Sunday, February 24, 2008

Love Your Siblings

Teaching children to love their siblings is easy in the early years, before the youngest touch any toys, take a treasured item, or take over a bedroom that was once the domain of one. Teaching our children to love each other is important in many aspects. Of course, foremost, they should love each other. Secondly, it is important to love our family unconditionally. As my mom used to say, "you don't have to like them, but you have to love them."

With a two year old and a four year old, it is hard to teach them to be kind to each other, especially for the older one. He does not like her to say anything incorrect, touch the toy he "thought of" playing with, or sharing time with his parents. It is a constant reminder of how we have to reiterate the positive times in our household, especially the times with siblings are your best friend.

Help your children love and like each other by being a good example, helping them to learn to share when the time is right, and having special family time to make sure the family is one unit, not many just "living" together.

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Melitsa said...

I would say the boys really do love each other most of the time. It's interesting to see them trying to compromise. It's a bit of a snatch. They both have their hand on each other's toy and whip it out of each others hand. At 2 and just 5 we still get lots of tears and frustrations especially with the wooden train set collapsing. But you can't beat family. We say a lot of positive things around them both about each other and encourage them to hug, high five and generally look out for each other.

Unknown said...

We get a lot of whipping out of each other's hands too. You know they love each other, but it is hard to teach them love surpasses all things!