Thursday, February 28, 2008

Making Choices

All children need to feel they can make choices, no matter how old they are. Just think of the 2 year old that already knows what she wants to wear to school. Without being given a choice, the parent has taken away one of the things they can control. So they will take control of something else, whether it is what they eat, when they eat, when they go to bed, or when you go to bed, children that need that control will find it.

A simple way to help your child to feel in control is to give them choice. This does not mean an open ended questions with unlimited possibilities. This is two choices, both of which the parent can live with, in order to give your child some control over a situation.

Which of these two shirts do you want to wear?
Do you want to take a bath before or after the show?
Are you going to have a bagel or cereal for breakfast?

Simple choices can make life a whole lot easier for everyone. And when you do not give them choices, you can have a morning like mine!

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