Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ultimate Money Saving Tip

Joining Vicki in her Frugal Friday tips, I decided to post a tip just for preschool parents as well as my tip for anyone wanting to save money on my other blog.

For parents of young children, the smallest things can add up... clothes for the cooler weather, birthday parties, doctor's visits, etc., all add up to unexpected purchases. For a family with preschoolers, you have got to plan ahead in order to not get bogged down with these cost.

One thing is to shop ahead. At the end of the season, buy clothes in the next size up. While some children may growth spurt or not grow much, you can almost bet than most children will be one size larger by the next year (not exactly a science, especially for babies). Try to buy the things that are not as necessary to be in exact sizes- sweat shirts, coats, long sleeve shirts for winter- bathing suits, shorts, and T-shirts for summer. Try to store them where you will not forget them for the next year. At least you will be a little ahead on those new purchases.

You should also shop ahead for gifts. When I find books, toys, crafts, and other great birthday gifts on sale or clearanced, I go ahead and buy them and make a space in the closet with the items. When a party comes around, I do not have to run out and buy a gift, but I choose from those things purchased earlier at great savings. This saves the hassle of shopping the day of the party too. Try to buy gifts that are suitable for boys and girls so you can be ready for any party. This is a great idea for Christmas gifts too.

For unexpected illness (and what illness is not unexpected), cut coupons for over the counter medicines you may need in the future. When the time comes, you can buy what you need, and have a little savings. Shopping at drugstores like CVS also give you reward bucks for all purchases and prescriptions. They can be used later for purchases and also special sales they have (toilet paper is a great item to use the reward bucks, coupons, and their sale price to get a really good deal!).

Planning ahead for those events you know are going to happen is a great way to save money. Impulse shopping tends to be more expensive than shopping when you can stop and think or shop around for the best deal.