Sunday, August 17, 2008

The First Day of Kindergarten

Tomorrow is the first day of school for my little boy! I cannot believe it!

Although, I am not too nervous, since Dad works at the school as the dean... it makes it much easier to send him on his way.

But KINDERGARTEN! I feel like he was just in my arms yesterday!

And of course, since I am also a teacher, I do not get to take him in the first day... my little sister has volunteered that, which is funny since she is 19. She wanted to take him to his class. How sweet. They are kindred spirits since they have the same birthday. :)

As we pass this milestone, it makes you thankful for the time we have had this summer, the time I was able to stay home with him, and the great teacher he has this year!

Any one else need a Kleenex???

I will post pictures later.


Mommy Minded said...

Oh! I dont know what I am going to do when mine start...

Unknown said...

It all went well- but Daddy is there! Then a tropical storm came through and we did not have school today (Tuesday). As my son says, "Now that is crazy!"