Saturday, July 7, 2007

Preschoolers Need to Socialize

Preschoolers need friends. Moms that stay at home sometimes take the staying home literally! Your children need to get out and play with others. They even need to get away from the family and play by with their friends without you around.

Social development is important. Make sure your child is getting plenty of child related activities with friends of similar ages. Even if they go to preschool, find activities to do with friends outside of school. Playgroups, different classes, story time at the library, or even playing at the park can give your preschooler opportunities to play with others.

For some ideas on activities, visit Heartland Moms. It is a site for local moms and tells about some activities we have in our local area. You may not be able to participate, but it gives some ideas of what to look for in your area. Plus there are tons of tips for parents of children of all ages.