Sunday, January 13, 2008

Deceptively Delicious- A Must Have for Preschoolers!

I purchase Deceptively Delicious just before Christmas. My children are not the best eaters. My preschooler would eat any baby food, but changed his taste as he started eating food. My toddler never ate baby food and went straight for Cheerios. Both of them are hesitant eaters and like to eat things that are familiar.

I had not seen any of the press on Deceptively Delicious- I ran across it one day while in the book store and bought it. The recipes are really great, especially the desserts. My children love the chocolate cookies (with chick peas) and the chocolate cupcakes (with avocado). My friend that hates avocado loved the cupcakes too! I told him after what was in them and he was shocked! They have not eaten much of the other things yet, but my husband and I have loved everything I have made... brownies from scratch (with spinach), rice balls with chicken (and sweet potatoes), homemade frozen yogurt (I made a smoothie with it- YUM!) and peanut butter chocolate dip (with carrot). I am sure they will gradually work into some of the other recipes and I continue to try each and every day!

This is a great cook book for any parent, even if you do not have picky eaters or a picky husband! More veggies are never a bad thing!

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