Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Teach Your Preschool the ABC's While Shopping!

I thought of this idea the other morning when my 2 year old was saying "A,B,C..." while we were in bed. She was pointing to my t-shirt which had words on it. I often talk about the ABC's when my children are in the grocery cart since they are at eye level with whatever t-shirt I happen to be wearing. Think about it- they are at the perfect height for a mom with a learning shirt! Plus it is cute!

And the best thing is, you can buy it right here! It comes in white with black text, red with navy text, blue with white text, or black with red text in all sizes. The cost is $20 which includes shipping for a lightweight cotton shirt. Maternity, organic cotton, tank tops, long sleeve, or mens are available by special order. You can email me at rk@heartland-moms.com for more information and a price quote.

When you make your purchase, you will be brought right back to this blog. Thanks for shopping! Watch for more exciting mommy shirts and preschool shirts! You are paying securely through Paypal.

color shirt/text

Click here to support Breast Cancer Research buy adding a breast cancer No Excuses shirt to your order.


Amanda said...

That's a riot! I love it!

Unknown said...

It actually does work... I am not even kidding! :) My 4 year old is recognizing letters everywhere- I am as well use our time at the store to our advantage!