Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Free Audio Stories and Fairy Tales

Searching the free podcasts on iTunes today, I found a lot of good resources for young children and moms. One was the Storynory audio stories and fairy tales. Prince Bertie the Frog brings you an audio story every week. Each one is read specially for him by his friend Natasha, who has a lovely British voice. They are very professionally recorded with great tone and inflection in her voice. You can download it and listen to it on the computer or download it to your iPod or MP3.

If you don't have iTunes, get it. It is free, for your use even if you do not have an iPod, and a great link to some free resources. When you download it, click on the iTunes store on the left sidebar. Then click on the podcast, kids and family. You will love what you find! There are even videos that can be downloaded right to your computer, for free!

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