Saturday, June 30, 2007

Pictures Tell The Story

After a week long vacation at the beach, there are plenty of memories to recall. If you took pictures, they can be a great way to talk about the wonderful event to secure those memories. You can also use them to make a personalized book for your child to read and improve word recognition. Snapfish is a great website to help you create a simple book.

Pictures are great to encourage self-esteem and help with memory. There are many ways to use your pictures to help your preschooler.

One way is to make a book. I used Snapfish to make a small 4 x 6 spiral bound book of my son's birthday party. You can add backgrounds and captions under each picture. If you use simple captions with names, words to label the major object, or places, your child will begin to associate the picture with the word. Try not to write too many words if you are using it for reading recognition. This is to encourage reading, but not "teach" reading.

If you are interested in trying it out, here is a way to get free prints. The book is a different purchase, but it all works together.

Special Promo: 30 FREE prints plus free shipping with coupon code SNAPYFRSH07


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.