Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Easy Slime Recipe!

In my effort to save money around the home, I decide to do some fun projects with my little ones. My son has asked more than once for a slime making kit at a local craft store. It was over $5! When you see the recipe, you will see how the packing, labeling, advertising, and shipping inflate the price!

I made slime many years back for my preschool class sensory table. It was easy, icky, and fun! I did a quick search and found these slime recipes. I choose to do the one with the slime recipe with borax. Borax can be found in the laundry section for around $3 a box and can be used for a gazillion different things! So for the tablespoon this recipe calls for cost maybe 5 cents???!! I had some white glue left over from a project, but I know I bought small 2 oz bottles at the dollar store (4/$1) and I used 3 (explanation later on my change in the recipe). Plus the tap water, that means this cost less than $1 to make.

Using the recipe linked above, I mixed my water and glue, but probably not thoroughly enough. When I added the borax water, it did not combine well, but I was able to pull out the slime from the watery mix. Then I just emptied another 2 oz. bottle into the water and stirred quickly. That gave me some more slime.

If you are going to color the slime, I would recommend adding it to the borax water or the water before mixing it with the glue solution. Then combine the two together.

Have fun! And save money (plus packaging, gasoline, etc!).


Mommy Minded said...

This is awesome I am adding you to my favorites!

Unknown said...

Why thank you!

Weird Science Kids said...

Love the slime recipe. Can learn all about non-newtonian fluids, polymers, and molecule chains while having fun. There are alot more fun free experiments like this at weird science kids. I will put the link below for anyone interested.
