Saturday, March 1, 2008

Preschool Vision Screenings

My son's school did a routine hearing and vision screening a few weeks ago. We got a letter saying my son failed his vision screening. So we made the appointment at my husband's eye doctor (he has had glasses since age 8). Yesterday we went to the appointment and his vision is fine. His focus is not. He has two levels of an astigmatism in his eyes that require glasses and may be corrected over time. My son is so excited to get glasses! They are only for school work type things, but he could not believe he would have to wait one week to wear them. He kept telling me today that he cannot see the t.v.!

Be thankful for screenings. If you do not have a child in school yet, call your local school districts office and see where they are available. Most of the time, they are free, you just have to schedule an appointment. They can screen for vision, hearing, and speech. Don't delay in getting your child checked out! We are fortunate that our son will get the correction he needs before it got worse!

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