Friday, January 11, 2008

Preschool Schedule Changes

What a week! My husband and I are both teachers, so we both had two weeks off during December/January. My children stayed up a little later, slept in a little longer, and truly got off their school time schedule. Not to mention, they both kept sleeping in our bed and not their own- a habit that is so hard to break.

And this week, we have been paying for it! Getting back into the school time schedule has not been easy for the adults or children in the house. It is important to stay on a schedule with preschoolers or be flexible when you do change it. We have had to have an extra amount of patience this week with our son especially. Not to mention, we are potty training our toddler too, which adds a great amount of fun!

Scheduling is important, but so is knowing how to adjust to a change in schedule. Keep this in mind as you have scheduling changes with your children, whether it is for vacation, summer break, or a new baby. Everyone has to learn to adjust to new activities and new adventures.

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