Friday, January 18, 2008

Hair Emergency! What to do?

As a mom, you often have times when there is no time to wash and dry your hair. With me, it always happens when the baby did not take a nap, your scheduled shower time, or someone calls and you have to run out quickly. You are in debate... wet hair with no style or try to make your hair work without washing it. Or as a last resort, throw on the ball cap and hope no one notices!

Now, there are no worries! Salon Grafix's Dry Shampoo line is a mommy's dream come true! Instead of jumping in the shower and leaving with a wet head, you can use the dry shampoo and have instantly clean hair. The Salon Grafix Spray Powder Shampoo, with its color match formula, is perfect for cleansing and refreshing your hair between normal shampoos or when you just don't have time to wash your hair the old-fashioned way. It easily brushes off, leaves hair revitalized, without white powder or oily residue, plus it leaves hair clean and shiny. A dry shampoo will solve all of your problems since you can style your hair and skip the blow drying. Think of the time this product will save and the happiness it will bring you... without the hassles!