Monday, October 1, 2007

Preschool and Learning Letters

I have not been an advocate of teaching letters and numbers to children too early- like flashcards at 2 (or sometimes earlier). We count, we look at words in our community, we read books. But I never felt the need to teach letters (my son learned his numbers by learning what number Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends were!). After 4 weeks of preschool- my son has learned about 10 letters and about 5 letter sounds, maybe more.

My point is not that you need to teach them, but they will learn even if you wait. Do not feel pressured to teach your child letters, numbers, and sounds because everyone else is doing it. My son has learned more letters than many children start kindergarten with, not because he is smart, but because he was exposed to letters and words in his surroundings- books, TV, and the environment. Expose your child to language and they will understand more when you do teach them. He is now looking for letters when we are in the car and when he looks at books. If he had memorized letters at two because his mother made him, he would not have had the understanding that letters make words.

And we don't do anything at home without his direction. I refused to do preschool homework! But if he wants to practice his new writing skills, of course we let him (his teacher does not let him write all over the paper at school, so when he gets home, he likes to get the markers out!).

Children learn when they are ready!